Disposable Colorful Stuffing Cotton Ball for Hamster
Meet BP standards.
Highly-absorbent, lint-free, and soft, bleached, no splash, no spot, smell-less.
Available in sterile or non sterile pack.
Used for hamster sleeping mat. Safe and no toxin. Perfect for winter to keep hamster's bed more warm.
Used for skin sterile when injection, medical dressings and medical appliance cleaning.
Used with makeup remover, polish remover, toners, and other products to clean and soothe skin.
Great for arts and crafts and DIY projects.
Gentle and Soft Hypoallergenic Cotton Balls made with 100% Pure Cotton.
Can be used for Medical, Babies, Beauty, Home, and Personal Care.
Ideal for the Removal of Make-Up and Nail Polish, Applying Cleansers, Astringents and Lotions.
Soft and Gentle on Baby's Delicate Skin. Perfect for Applying Lotion, Oil and Powder.
Multi-Purpose for Household Needs such as Polishing Silver, Furniture and Shoes- Also for Craft and Hobbies.